Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thing 24

Well, it's good to be back. I added a gadget (a picture of me in Librarian on the Loose mode), edited my profile and changed the template design of the blog. Most of the students are gone for the summer and it's quiet. Real quiet. Lots of time to work on special projects, take webinars and blog a bit, but I always have a hard time transitioning from the hustle and bustle of the academic year to this more relaxed atmosphere.

One of the things I miss is getting out of the librarian more as part of my Librarian on the Loose initiative. Basically, I take a laptop and set up a temporary reference desk somewhere on campus nearly every day. I bring a "quiz" that matches a monthly theme I pick and students who take it are automatically entered into a drawing for a nifty little prize. Along the way I make a pitch about Briggs Library reference services answer any research questions they might have. It's been a great way to meet and get to know students who don't come into the library very much. It also makes the library more approachable.

All for now. Bring on Thing 25!

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